Photo of the vacuum hose on a Trac Vac

Trac Vac Replacement Hose

Trac Vac Hose can sometimes be a bit confusing to buy online… stocks Vacuum Hose in 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 7 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch, 12 inch and 14 inch diameters. The most popular size hose on Trac Vacs is 6″ and 8″ diameter sizes. We stock a variety of styles for all leaf vacuum walk behinds, tow behind leaf vacs, and walk behind leaf collectors.

to meet your needs. Most of the time your selection should come down to puncture resistance.

Vacuum Hose for Trac Vac

Great Selection of Trac Vac Hose Available at

Before you Buy Trac Vac Hose Online:

  • measure the diameter of your existing hose
  • determine your application needs; puncture resistance, materials usage, etc..
  • do you need to be able to see through it?


Watch the video below to determine which vac hose is right for you.



Hose Type Flexibility Interior Puncture Resistance Price
Flexadux® T-7W Better Semi Smooth Better Least Expensive
Flextube PV Better Smooth Good Moderate
Flextube TR Good Smooth Better Moderate
Flextube PU Better Smooth Best Most Expensive